Trucking Accidents on the Rise
- August 16th, 2016Trucking industry lobbies for looser regulations. JUST SAY NO!
Truck related accidents are on the rise. In 2013, the most recent year for which finalized statistics are available, 3,541 wrecks killed 3,964 people — an increase of 17.3 percent in just four years. In 2014, the number of deaths resulting from truck accidents was down slightly, but the total number of crashes and injuries increased.

Whether we drive on 95, the Turnpike, the Palmetto Expressway, A1A, 75, The Gratigny, Okechobee Road, or US-1, we are surrounded by tractor trailers of all types. All these Truck Drivers simply MUST follow the regulations that govern them if we are to be safe.
And the regulations must stay. Congress has been caving in to lobbying from trucking interests that want to roll back, block or modify at least a half-dozen important safety regulations. The Big Truck Company Lobby pressures Congress to water down safety rules on weight limits, hours allowed to drive, length of trailers, asks them not to raise their insurance requirements, and tries to convince Congress to make federal motor carrier safety ratings for unsafe trucking companies secret. It is a clear case of valuing profit over people.
If you Are Hurt by a Truck Accident- Contact immediately.