It happens all the time. An uninsured driver hit one of my clients. Thank goodness he had Uninsured Motorist coverage!
Alex was a great client. It was a pleasure to work on your case, sir!
Thank you for trusting us with your case
Wendol was in an accident with low damage to the cars, but he was really hurt. We filed a lawsuit and got him a fair settlement.
Adrian has an accident with his child in the car. We turned a scary situation into another happy BLUCAS LAW client!
BLUCAS LAW was proud to sponsor the luncheon for the WE COUNT Plant Nursery Worker Assembly In Homestead, Florida in September.
Claudia was injured in an accident. She was a passenger in one of the cars. We were able to make a recovery from both vehicles, despite one car’s insurance company initially denying liability.
Melissa was injured by a in a hit and run accident. Thankfully, she had Uninsured Motorist coverage to cover her injuries.
Eric came to Blucas Law and he is another happy client!
Awesome work, Team!