Quick results

- May 31st, 2023

Jimmy was in a car accident. We got him the policy limits and finalized his settlement in less than 3 months!

Parking lot crash

- April 25th, 2023

Marie was rear-ended in a parking lot. We were able to get her case settled without a lawsuit.

He said She said

- April 19th, 2023

He said/She said crash. Denial of claim. Lawsuit filed. Success!!

Afonso was rear-ended at a train crossing

- April 10th, 2023

Afonso was rear-ended at a train crossing. The insurance company for the at-fault driver did not make a fair offer. Blucas Law filed a lawsuit and got justice in this case. Another happy client!

Very Happy Client

- April 6th, 2023

Rear-end collision. The pre-suit offer from the insurance company was insulting. We filed a lawsuit and got a settlement multiple times the policy limits before mediation.

66 million jury verdict

- March 28th, 2023


VIP Client Richie

- March 9th, 2023

Richie was smashed by a car that had no Bodily Injury insurance. We got his Uninsured Motorist insurance to pay their limits right away.

Happy Client!

- March 6th, 2023

Valeria was a passenger in a car that was crashed from the back.

She retained us and we got the case settled.

Georgina did a great job on this file!

Fall Down Injury- Confidential Settlement

- February 23rd, 2023

Ysmel had a severe fall-down injury. She was really hurt. We filed a lawsuit on this case and obtained a confidential settlement

From Car Crash Clients to Happy Clients

- February 20th, 2023

Belkis and Alberto were in a crash and were really hurt.

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